Tuesday, 7 May 2013



If you have some reliable keyword research rules in place then getting visitors to your site will become a whole lot easier. The following are the keyword research rules that were taught to me through a marketing webinar and I still use them to this day ( they have never let me down! ).
Niche research will come before keyword research. You sit down with your pad or your white board and decide upon a niche – then comes the keyword research for that niche. The first of the keyword research rules involves using the Google external keyword tool. This is a free and very powerful ( and popular ) keyword tool.
Place the keyword into the tool and click the search button. Now, the keyword must be searched for at least 2,000 times per month. To get this result make sure you are using ‘Exact Match’. The next of keyword research rules is very important – competition. As a marketer or a webmaster it is essential to know your competition when centering around a keyword.
To get the competition of a keyword it’s easiest to use the normal Google search bar. Enter your keyword into the search bar in quotes ( ” ” ) and hit search. Under the search bar a sentence will read ‘about ________ pages’. This number should be under 60,000 pages to give you a chance with the keyword.
You next want the exact competition number and to do this you need to be on the last page of your results. Scroll to the bottom of the Google result page and keep clicking through the pages until you reach the last page of results. Under the search bar on this page will be ‘page _____ of ______ results’. The amount of results are the amount of websites using that keyword – in short, your competition.
So what number should you be aiming at with this? A lot of people say under 10,000 but I think this is far to high in modern day marketing – I go for anything under 1,000 competition. The last of the keyword research rules regards the domains for the niche – is there a domain free for your keyword? There are three domain names you should aim at in this order:
  1. .com
  2. .org
  3. .net
If you cannot get the .com then check for the .org and so on. If the niche keyword is not available in any of these three domain names then move onto another keyword and start the process all over again.

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