If there was a big change in the way people are making money online than its on Fiverr. Everyone is talking about Fiverr. In just last 1 year, more & more people are fully dependent on Fiverr. It has become their main source of income. More than 14% sellers are making full time income from Fiverr. Yes, if there are more than 1,00,000 sellers on Fiverr than more than 14,000 sellers are full time earners.
Fiverr has changed the way people buy services online. People who were buying same services for more than $40 or $50 can now buy for $5 from Fiverr. One of the USP in this part is that people has choice to reject the completed work & so they have confidence the seller will provide better service even if they pay $5 only.
Why People Choose Micro Entrepreneurship Over than 9-5 Job?
More & more people are leaving their 9-5 job & choosing Fiverr & other platform to become a micro entrepreneur. The answer is simple they have more time freedom & financial freedom on Fiverr rather than to work for someone.
Either in part time or full time, people are making good income from Fiverr. More than 14% of Fiverr sellers have reported $1000+ monthly income from Fiverr & that is the primary source of their income. Read one of the best infographic reportfrom Fiverr.
What can you do to earn $1000 from Fiverr?
Everyone want to know how much you have to work on Fiverr to earn $1000 or more. So let’s have a basic idea on this.
Average Fiverr seller don’t spend more than 15 minutes to complete a Gig (Gig means an order on Fiverr). Initially it may take more time but with experience, you will be able to complete each Gig within that time frame.
So let’s calculate how much you have to work for earning $1000 on Fiverr. If you work only 25 days in a month than $1000/25= $40. So daily your income must be $40 or more. Now Fiverr deducts $1 as his commission for every Gig you complete so you will make $4 from every Fiverr Gig. So if you complete 10 Gigs ($40/$4) then you will be able to make $40 on Fiverr. 1 order takes maximum 15 minutes so to complete 10 Gigs, you have to work a maximum of 2 hrs & 30 minutes.
So its really great that many of the Fiverr sellers are earning an income of $1000+ by working less than 3 hrs. And yes, many top sellers are earning even more than 6 figure income.
How can you make a full time income on Fiverr?
If you ever wanted to make a full time income from home, then Fiverr can be your favorite place. Just turn your passion into your work and you will see many people desiring your service. Just signup on Fiverr as a seller & list what you can do for $5.
If you are not getting what exactly you can do on Fiverr to earn than just be on Fiverr, browse each category & sub-category, spend 1-2 hrs looking at what people are doing & I am sure you will get the answer.
Apart from listing your Gig, there are many tips you can follow to attract the buyers. Millions of people daily visit Fiverr & order the Gigs but if you don’t do something different, your Gig will be unseen. You will find many of the best tips in our next article. So keep visiting this blog to know how you can become a top Fiverr seller.
SEOClerks is one of those sites that have a similar working principle with Fiverr. If you're a seller, you can create a service, market it, and wait for a buyer to contact you. But unlike Fiverr which pegs all gigs at $5 (unless you level up where you can add extra gigs), SEOClerks.com allows you to choose the price for your services, starting at $1. In this regard, I think SEOClerks.com is better than Fiverr or any other gig site & you can also say the only capable competitor of Fiverr!