Every affiliate marketer has thought of making money with Amazon however only few of them succeed.
You can open an account and become an Amazon associate in few minutes but commissions aren’t going to come in your account.
I’d an Amazon associate account with zero income because I never sold even one product for months.
The prime reason why I was not being able to sell a product was quite obvious. It’s because I never had a well laid-out strategy or a game plan.
Therefore, if you’re an Amazon affiliate then you need to chalk-out a plan before you think of making money.
You don’t have to do any hard work because I’m giving you top 7 strategies to become a successful Amazon associate. I used these strategies on my own & made great earnings from Amazon.
1. Relevancy: Choosing a Product and the Content
Here, I’m not going to tell you how to sign up or give tips like promoting hot products or get more traffic etc. We’ll talk to the point.
First is, you need to establish a relevancy between a product you’re selling and the content that you’re creating.
From my experience, conversion is more likely to happen when customers find a direct relation between the content they’re reading and product you’re offering.
If you’re writing or your blog is about “how to train your dog” then the ads that you’re showing must be closely related to issues concerning dogs.
It means only dogs not even some other pets like horse or kitten. If pet is your broader niche then dog comes under it, although a horse or a kitten also comes under pet but you need to be more targeted.
Hence, the more you’re targeting better the conversion rates.
2. Loyalty and Trust of Customers
Although this should be your first strategy nonetheless I am mentioning here.
For any business to succeed you’ve to build loyalty and a relationship of trust with your customers.
You can mark my words, you sell more products to readers that are coming back to your website than to visitors which are new.
I’ve noticed you make more sales when you know your customers. If you know that the visitors coming to your blog trusts what you say then immediately they’re going to buy.
But the visitors that are coming first time at your website are less likely to buy. Hence, you need to build a relationship of trust with your customers.
It can be done only by writing content that matters them.
3. Right Kind of Traffic on Your Blog
Traffic, Traffic and Traffic could make you millionaire. However, what kind of traffic you need to generate sales.
Well! Let me explain what I mean by saying right kind of traffic.
Usually, your sales per impression (SPI) are more if impression is more. That’s quite obvious. If you receive 10,000 impressions a day and sales per impression is 1% then you sold 100 products.
However, the 1% SPI is only possible when 10,000 impressions are of right kind. If impressions are even better or of good quality then SPI could be 2% or 3% hence 200 to 300 products sold.
But if impressions or traffic is of inferior quality then SPI could be even zero. Yes! Out of 10,000 impressions not even one sale.
To make it more simpler 1000 quality impression is better than 10,0000 impressions which is substandard.
Therefore, you’ve to target right kind of traffic.
4. Showcasing Products to Visitors
Now you must apply right techniques to show product you’re selling to visitors. Techniques aren’t new however you’ve to know how you’re going to employ.
If you showcase all your products in an eloquent manner then you can surely increase your conversion rates. It’s quite simple but very effective.
1. Create a List of Monthly Best Seller
You can create a separate list of all products which are selling like a hot cake. Jot them in a list and place it on the right hand side of your blog.
2. Create Product Comparison Table
You can also compare various products using a table. Compare for their prices, features and user reviews.
3. Use Carousel Banner Ads Rather than Static Banner Ads
I recommend using carousel banner ads rather static banner ads because it converts better.
5. Forcing Call to Action
Like showcasing products smartly you need to force your customers to take action. Everything is futile if customer is not taking an action.
Hence you’ve to coerce them to take action.
1. Contextual Links in Content Works Better than an Image Link
A text link in the content is the best way to force your customer to take action. It converts much better than an image link.
2. Product Image Must Be Clickable Affiliate Links
All the product images that you’re inserting must have clickable affiliate links in it.
3. Insert “Buy Now” Image Button
You can also insert buy now image button inside the content of your blog. People do click it.
6. Max. Sales Conversion I – Writing Reviews and Creating Specialized Websites
One of the strategies to maximize your conversion rate would be writing reviews for products that you intend to sell.
Reviews that you write must be fair and balanced. It mustn’t sound salesy but at the same time you’ve to write in a way that reader should end up buying.
The best idea could be creating a separate website that is meant only for reviewing products.
To become a successful Amazon affiliate writing reviews are very important.
7. Max. Sales Conversion II – Targeting Holidays and Special Occasions
Holidays and special occasions are an opportunity to make number of sales that could make up of your entire year.
There are Amazon associates who make sales only on occasions like Christmas, Halloween, Valentine ’s Day or Black Friday. Rest of the year they sit idle.
Therefore don’t let this opportunity slipping out of your hand. Holidays and special occasions are the time when your sales go up.
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